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Top 3 contract challenges

in the renewable energy industry

Learn from real-life business cases what challenges and risks your peers encounter in contracts and discover how to reinforce your contract management in 3 simple steps.

Renewable energy mock-up ENG met label

Developing energy projects on a rock-solid foundation of contracts

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Ensure every contract gets approved & signed properly

Given the highly regulated market for renewable energy, your contracts must always be proofread and signed properly.

  • Reduce legal and financial risks through pre-set approval flows

  • Make sure every contract gets signed by the right person

  • Enable smooth contract approval by external stakeholders


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Find all your legal documents, anytime, anywhere

Relying on outdated or wrong contract information in MSAs or CFAs leads to non-compliance and bad negotiation positions. 

  • Organize contracts the way you like them, depending on type, entity, etc ..

  • Gain oversight over different contract versions

  • Gain useful insights through advanced contract reporting


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Let contracts proactively guide the right business department

Your EBoPs and PPAs need extensive monitoring. Unclear responsibilities for follow-ups can lead to legal and financial catastrophes.

  • Let contracts guide your projects through automatic reminders

  • Make sure every department does its own follow-ups

  • Reduce the risk of crucial contracts expiring involuntary


Based on our experience with 130+ happy customers

Read the Contractify business case to explore proven contract management solutions for the renewable energy industry 

Or let Contractify help you to...

Take full control over your contracts 

Set up streamlined contract workflows that save you time, reduce errors, and clarify responsibilities. 

Maximize the value of your contracts.


👇 Let our contract experts show you how in a quick demo 👇

Why Contractify?


Contractify started off in 2015 by consulting organisations on how to set up their contract management process. It soon became obvious there was a need for a tool to centralise and automate contract management. That’s when Contractify’s founders, Steven Debrauwere and Herlinde De Buck translated their years of practical experience into a cloud-based contract management solution.

Contractify's user-friendly automation platform provides everything an organisation needs to (re)gain a grip on its contracts. Our experts do the rest: registering contracts, following up deadlines with you and

providing your team with best-in-class contract management advice.

Over 90 companies successfully improved their contracts’ value with Contractify’s experience.
Join them on the road to success today!