From Funding to Operation

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From Funding to Operation

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Sunrock klein

Building energy projects on a rock-solid foundation of contracts

Every contract is approved and signed properly 

Given the highly regulated market for renewable energy, your contracts must always be proofread and signed properly.

  • Reduce legal and financial risks through pre-set approval flows

  • Make sure every contract gets signed by the right person

  • Enable smooth contract approval by external stakeholders

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Find all your legal documents, anytime, anywhere

Relying on outdated or wrong contract information in MSAs or CFAs leads to non-compliance and bad negotiation positions. 

  • Organize contracts the way you like them, depending on type, entity, etc ..

  • Gain oversight over different contract versions

  • Gain useful insights through advanced contract reporting

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Let contracts guide your actions

Your EBoPs and PPAs need extensive monitoring. Unclear responsibilities for follow-ups can lead to legal and financial catastrophes.

  • Let contracts guide your projects through automatic reminders

  • Make sure every department does its own follow-ups

  • Reduce the risk of crucial contracts expiring involuntary

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