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Top 3 contract challenges

in the HR industry

Learn from real-life business cases what challenges and risks your peers encounter in contracts and discover how to reinforce your contract management in 3 simple steps.


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1. Complex regulations

Given the highly regulated business landscape, all contracts must comply with national and international regulations.
  • Use AI to get important data out of your contracts in a couple of seconds or to give you a quick summary of a document

  • Managing the entire contract lifecycle from creation to renewal or termination in one platform


Retail LP elements check

2. Lack of overview

With a large amount of contracts and different versions scattered across different tools, the overview is often lost.


Retail LP elements check

3. Administrative workload

Inefficient document management can lead to lost contracts, missed deadlines, and increased administrative workload.


Based on our experience with 130+ happy customers

Contractify helps you to...

Take full control over your contracts 

Set up streamlined contract workflows that save you time, reduce errors, and clarify responsibilities. 

Maximize the value of your contracts.

👇 Let our contract experts show you how in a quick demo 👇

The story behind Contractify


In 2015, Contractify started setting up efficient contract management procedures in medium-sized and large enterprises. It soon became clear that there was a need for a tool to centralise and automate contract management. So Contractify's founders Steven Debrauwere and Herlinde De Buck translated their years of practical experience into a contract management cloud solution.

The result is Contractify's user-friendly contract management platform containing everything an organisation needs to get a grip on all contracts again. Our contract experts and AI technology do the rest: register contracts, help monitor deadlines and offer contract management advice tailored to your team. 

So thanks to Contractify, more than 130 companies have regained control of their contracts.
Now it is up to you!