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Discover how Vivaldis lowered its office & facility workload by 50%



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What makes this case great for your business?

Vivaldis Interim has not ceased to grow ever since it was founded. For Carin, their management assistant, this growth came with some challenges - challenges you might recognize! In this business case, she shares their learnings.
Here’s what you’ll learn:


The top 3 challenges in contract management for office & facility managers.


How to tackle these challenges, easily delegate tasks & save time in the process.


Proven solutions & real improvements of day-to-day tasks.


Contractify just brings me peace of mind on so many levels. The most important thing for me? Having everything conveniently located together and getting timely notifications for areas of concern. The cloud software also makes working from home a lot easier.

Vivaldis Logo wit

Carin A.

Management Assistant at Vivaldis

Who is Contractify?


In 2015, Contractify’s founders, Steven Debrauwere and Herlinde De Buck translated their years of practical experience in contract management into a cloud contract management software: Contractify.

Contractify's user-friendly platform provides everything an organisation needs to regain a grip on its contracts. Our experts do the rest: registering contracts, following up deadlines and providing you with best-in-class contract management advice.

Over 90 companies successfully improved their contracts’ value with Contractify.
Join them on the road to success today!